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Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thoughts for the night

Home is where your friends are.
better yet
Home is where your family and friends are.

This is what I learned from watching this movie "Turnaround Jake" I'm watching right now.

Actually I didn't just now pick it up from the movie; I been picking this same notion up for some time now.

Lyrics for a song maybe

We all have it hard

in our own different way.

We all have tough times

in our own different ways.

by me, Lisa Sc

Sunday, May 24, 2015

My sleeping hours

Everyday is so much the same,

like living in the twilight zone.

And like the hours I sleep;

I just can't seem to change.

When I am able to change them;

they go back the same way.

- words by me, Lisa Sc

Monday, November 24, 2014

thoughts about the movie "Still Mine."

The idiot can't see past a big bunch of regulatory nonsense.

Sticklers for rules are idiots.

The dumbest people in the world are the sticklers for rules.

I hate stickler for rules.

Stickler for rules cause much misery in this world.

The sticker for rules does not know the meaning of just or justice.

The sticker for rules has no ability to know what is right.