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Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Poem "Days of Wine and Roses" by Ernest Dowson

They are not long, the days of wine and roses:

Out of a misty dream
Our path emerges for a while, then closes
Within a dream.

– Ernest Dowson, from "Vitae Summa Brevis" (1896).

I got the poem from this page:

Monday, November 24, 2014

thoughts about the movie "Still Mine."

The idiot can't see past a big bunch of regulatory nonsense.

Sticklers for rules are idiots.

The dumbest people in the world are the sticklers for rules.

I hate stickler for rules.

Stickler for rules cause much misery in this world.

The sticker for rules does not know the meaning of just or justice.

The sticker for rules has no ability to know what is right.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The exception to the rule (poem)

The exception to the rule
I am
you can say that again 

At least
most of the time
I will speak to passers by                                                  
     unless I do detect
in the person or persons

For many a time as I 
say "hi" to a passersby
They give no reply back

I am the kind of person
whom does not look at a person 
in a vicious, hateful way

Almost never do I say rude, hateful things
Yet if I deem necessary at times 
I will give a good piece of my mind

I am not a stickler for rules
as most rules serve no good purpose
and are just plain stupid

Now let me say again 
I am
the exception to the rule

I try my best to be
kind, friendly and caring
to my fellow human beings

Not many of my fellow humans
I do like 
Although I do care about them
     If one is rude to me
I probably think ill of them momentarily 
but not really wishing ill to anyone

My bad thoughts fleeting
bad doings never
to humans or animals

I declare I will never
hurt or harm in any way 
any person or animal 
for this is the most shameful
and wrongful thing a human can do
I shall never blacken my name

Like many a person will do
I do not litter
I care about mother earth

I hugely defend and love animals
For throughout these billions of years
they got the worse end of the deal

To me 
freedom should not mean
freedom to do just anything
     to achieve happiness and success
that might or does ill effect
humans, animals and our environment

I strive to make our wonderful earth 
more like a Heaven 
and know that if we all act together
we can make it so

And I will say again 
one exception to the rule I am
Won't you be one to

poem written by me, Lisa Sc
and inspired by true, recent events in my life

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

not exactly but like a parady or satire but not making fun of the song "the impossible dream" (written by me)

to reach the so possible dream  
to fight the so beatable foe 
to care with unbearable sorrow
to run where the brave dare to go   
to right the so rightable wrong
to love pure and grace from afar
to do when your arms are so weary
to reach that most reachable star
this is my call
to run to the star
it isn't so hopeless
it isn't so far
gotta fight for the right
with questions and cause
And to willingly march into danger for a good cause
and I know if we're true
to our heavenly call
that our hearts will be peaceful and calm
when we finish our days
and the earth will be better for this
that we all
scorned and covered with scars
strive with our last ounce of breath
to fight that so beatable foe
to reach the so reachable star

by me Lisa Sc

Sunday, August 28, 2011

my new poem "Stuck Up Girl"

Hey stuckup girl
just who do you think you are
you act like you drive a
brand new car
you act like you own the world
stuckup girl, stuckup girl

We been to the place you work allot
I reckon you already forgot
You wait on my son and me
while we order donuts, coffee and tea

It wasn't a surprise seeing you at
the coffee shop
smiling laughing and talking to your friend
acting like your so hot

We passed right by you more than once
You didn't look at us
You didn't speak to us 
You just pretended not to notice us

It's mean of you to ignore us 
I call it a form of wickedness

There been times I encountered people like you
who only added to me feeling blue

So stuck up girl, stuck up girl
what makes you so special
Is it the perfect way you speak
the perfect way you act
and the perfect way you think you look

When we first moved to town
and started coming to the bakery
and you waited on us
You weren't the least bit friendly

And one day I passed you by on the street
you spoke not one word to me
stuck up girl, stuck up girl

Fed-up I mentioned how you treat us to the owner
and right in front of you to
only then did you start to act a little friendlier

It was just our bad luck to happen upon you in the coffee shop
I found the way you acted very upsetting
You really hurt my feelings
stuck up girl, stuck up girl

My son said he didn't care
He wasn't suprised at your snobbishness
He knows of your unkindness

You think your so great
You think your so smart
but you aren't
stuck up girl, stuck up girl

My son and I depressed, unhappy and lonely
while here you are fine, well and happy
By you ignoring us and treating us badly
Do you think your helping society

So why you got to be this way
Maybe your moma didn't teach you the right way
Or maybe you are just very big flawed
They'll come a day people won't be so awed

by you
Stuck up girl, stuck up girl
you really need to get a clue

stuck up, stuck up girl, snob, uppity, people, poetry, poem, conceited, life