Any of you a landlord with an apartment for rent in Louisville or one of those small cities in IN nearby Louisville, KY? I live in a substandard dump that is just falling apart at the seams. Plus my neighbors are persons that wouldn't let me back in the outside door yesterday when I'd not remembered my key to get back in. And that was because my niece, that was once sweet and now turned into mean upset me. These people always put a stick in the outside door very often day and night. I never put a stick in the door since if you have a key you don't need to put a stick in the door. I'm also looking for a babysitter for my cat.
For 2 adults and 1 cat.
price $0 to $400 or up to $500 if all utilities are included
Contact me via Google plus. Thank you.
Or contact me via Youtube: lisa sc
For 2 adults and 1 cat.
price $0 to $400 or up to $500 if all utilities are included
Contact me via Google plus. Thank you.
Or contact me via Youtube: lisa sc